Technical Interview Prep: How to Answer Technical Interview Questions

The technical Interview is a blend of the candidate’s coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and personality. It’s distinct from any other job interview. All feel pressure before Coding Interview; it doesn’t matter they are learners or versed. You think that if the Interviewer asks unaccepted questions, but you haven’t any idea about that, you are entirely clueless, and you have never heard of it before.

In that case, don’t fear—The technical round is your subject knowledge test. During the Technical Interview, how have you represented on your own? That thing matters here.

Just take the right step, show off your technical/non-technical skills and be ready for anything with preparation.

In this article, you will find some vital things that are helpful to face any technical interview, such as Tech Interview Tips and How to answer those questions in the technical round of the Interview.

Tech Interview Preparation Plan

Before the technical Interview, everyone needs to prepare a strategy, and even better preparation is also the key to success. Don’t you know that how many rounds will you face in your tech interview and what will be your questions/assignment? But with the help of the following lines, you can understand the Interview well.

  1. You must be a master in one programming language: C, C++, Java, Python, and more. Most students think they should be perfect in 4th to 5th languages. But being a fresher, make sure your placement will be for a single language in the company, not multiple programming languages. Pick one language & drink all the concepts of that.
  2. In the tech interview, every company focus on the DSA concepts. After being an expert in a language, you go for the DSA concept. First of all, go for the basic and then the advanced concept. Learn and practice all concepts at the same time.
  3. Develop your programming skills. Only theoretical knowledge is not going to help you. With time complexity and space complexity, you should optimize your code. Write down the logic, think logically, and implement the logic in an optimized way in that language.
  4. You should be able to resolve the coding problem within the timeframe. Suppose that Interviewer gives you a specific time to solve 3 to 4 issues. Perhaps, some can solve these problems, but they don’t focus on solving them within the time limit while practicing.
  5. Always try to learn something new, and don’t keep less your learning scope. If you are a good learner, you can discover many skills in the Tech industry. Improve your problem-solving ability with coding challenges and create new ideas by learning new skills.
  6. Plus, your projects will be pretty helpful. Try to make more projects and maximum practice by the projects. You should have at least 3 to 4 projects on your resume. Because in this case, the Interviewer has something from your resume to ask you, and if you have done your projects yourself, you know everything about that project. It means you can control your Interview.
  7. Try to get an internship from well known-company. Through the training, you are familiar with the work environment.
  8. Competitive coding – Many platforms invite people for competitive coding, and sometimes this type of platform gives you a score. The company can hire you based on the ratings because they know you are excellent in coding.

Tips to Crack Technical Interview

Here are some simple but effective tips which will help you to understand the Interviewer’s mindset:

#Make An Understanding of The Question – 

Sometimes Interviewer asked questions, and You started responding in hasty. The question isn’t clear to you, but you answer even though it may be wrong. It’s not the right direction.

So, understand the question first. Make sure exactly what’s the Interviewer’s query? 

They probably want to check how you receive the question; what do you answer with intelligence? So, take a few seconds, then answer honestly.

#Give Brief Answer and Come to The Point –

Positively, you want to give your 100%, but you have to know the Interviewer’s needs. The Interviewer wants a short, sweet, brief, and to-the-point answer. Opposite of this, you start replying in detail. Seriously, please don’t do that because they don’t want a lengthy story.

It may happen that before reaching your main point/answer, the Interviewer stops you and asks another question. That’s why give a short answer rather than telling a long story. If they want more detail, then you can explain.

#Reply in Your Language with an Example –

Everyone prepare before going in the Interview, even if they are fresher & experienced. During the Interview, you will face many general technical interview questions like Technical Education/ Training questions, Behavioural/Situational interview questions, Technical Knowledge, Experience related questions, and more.

But keep in mind, don’t give the bookish answer. If you provide a literary response to the question asked by the Interviewer, then try to relate that answer with some examples and justify your answer in your language. Don’t reply in a single line; it’s not a correct way to answer.

#Don’t Pretend in front of Interviewer –

if you don’t know the answer to a question asked in the Interview, start answering the question. The answer is illogical and irrelevant, but you become over-smart. Instead of doing this, you must be honest because they always want to hire real people.

Therefore, it’s better to say, pardon sir, I’m not familiar with this Technic or term, but I am well-informed about this type of skill. If you want, I can put my views in this context.

The most important thing is that how well do you answer those questions that you know?

#Try to Communicate while Answering –

In the coding round and problem-solving task, you can feel nervousness and hesitation. But you have to think aloud because if you are going in the right direction and maybe wrong, the Interviewer will give hints on that time, like doing so and using this keyword.

So, don’t think silently; think loudly, and try to communicate with the Interviewer while considering. It shows you have good communication skills that will be beneficial for you.


In the overall Interview, experts will verify you. Therefore, showcase your positiveness and confidence. While answering, if you clear doubts by asking questions, you will create a good impression in front of the Interviewer. They think, yes, you have some knowledge about the concept, and according to them, you are suitable to work efficiently on a complex project.

Hopefully, this blog will be informative for you. Thanks for reading!!

Article by Nirmal Jangid – Technical Content writer and blogger having 3 years of experience in tech writing. Feel free to follow her on LinkedIn and Twitter.
All content and images are associated with the writer.