Turing vs Upwork: A Comprehensive Comparison Guide

Welcome to the world of freelancing! If you’re a freelancer or thinking about becoming one, you may have come across two major online platforms – Turing and Upwork.

Both websites are dominating the freelance market; so which should you choose?

In this comprehensive comparison guide, we’ll examine Turing vs Upwork in detail; their features, advantages, disadvantages, pricing models and more so that you can make an informed decision. So sit back tight as we break it all down for you!

Turing vs Upwork

What is Upwork?

Upwork is a platform that connects freelancers with businesses looking for their services. Businesses post projects, and freelancers bid on them.

Once an award is given, both parties can collaborate directly through the Upwork platform to complete the task at hand.

Upwork offers a broad selection of services, from web development and design to writing and marketing.

Businesses can search for freelancers with the specific skills they require or peruse Upwork’s “talent pool” to identify potential candidates.

The Upwork platform offers a suite of features designed to make collaboration between businesses and freelancers easier, such as:

  • A messaging system to facilitate communication between parties
  • A payment gateway for secure payments
  • An integrated time tracker to record hours worked
  • Escrow protection to guard against non-delivery of work

What is Turing?

Turing is a data science-driven deep jobs platform that assists businesses set and build their teams of engineers on the cloud with the click of an button. 

The company is based within Palo the city of Alto in California and we’re an entirely remote business of 600+ employees that help connect top remote software engineers to top businesses.

What sets these services apart?

Many businesses struggle to decide which route they should take when hiring a freelancer. Should they use services like Upwork, where they can browse through an expansive pool of freelancers and select who they want to work with? Or should they enlist the services of specialist providers like Turing which matches businesses with suitable freelancers according to their needs?

In this blog post, we’ll take a close-up look at both services to help you decide which is the most suitable for your business.

Upwork vs Turing Pricing:

Upwork charges per hour or per project, with an average rate around $25 per hour. On Turing, however, you pay a monthly subscription fee starting at $49 per month which grants access to an experienced pool of freelancers pre-vetted for quality assurance.

Speed of Hire:

With Upwork, you can quickly browse profiles and hire someone after just a few clicks. However, with Turing it may take several days to find the ideal freelancer as each freelancer is handpicked by their team before being approved for your project.

Quality of Talent:

Upwork offers a wide range of talent quality from very good to poor. However, with Turing all talent has been pre-vetted so that you know you’re always getting top quality every single time.


Upwork provides email and chat support for both clients and freelancers alike, while Turing only provides email assistance to clients.

When it comes to online work platforms, there are a few main advantages for choosing upwork over others.

Upwork provides a more comprehensive selection of jobs with both long-term and short-term opportunities as well as opportunities for all skill sets.

Turing, on the other hand, specializes exclusively in programming and development jobs. If you’re searching for something along those lines, Turing is by far your best bet.

Additionally, their vetting process for both clients and freelancers is more rigorous at Turing which could translate to higher quality work overall.


Turing and Upwork are both excellent options for freelancers looking to make some extra cash on the side.

Upwork has a more established platform with more available jobs, while Turing provides an exclusive membership with better prices and higher-paying gigs.

Ultimately, it depends on what services you offer and how much time you have available; no matter which platform you select though – both can help put some extra cash in your pocket!