How to Manage Your Remote Teams

How to Manage Your Remote Teams from the Comfort of Your Office is something virtually all companies face these days. Whether you are in the process of implementing a new program or changing one of the strategies to boost sales or simply streamlining how you do things at your organization, you are going to find that your Remote Teams will play a large role in what you accomplish each day. This is why it is so important to manage your remote teams effectively. The good news is that there is a lot of software that can help you manage your Remote Teams from the comfort of your own office. Here are some of the more common pieces of software that can make managing your remote teams easier than ever before:

Team Status Trackers. While the traditional office environment may make remote workers feel like they have little space for distractions, today’s environment makes there a significant need to know how to manage your remote teams for outstanding results. By installing the right tools onto each team’s laptops, you will be able to see exactly which team members are available to work and when. You can also view real-time information on how your entire workforce is performing, helping you to get a clearer picture of how your business is progressing. With easy to use dashboards and reports, you will easily be able to monitor the effectiveness of all of your team members, including the boss.

Team Balance Software. As your company grows and changes, it is important to consider how to manage remote teams effectively and safely. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure that there are no cultural differences between your teams. By using the right tools, you can easily identify cultural differences that might be causing tension and even problems within your team, allowing you to adjust your approach accordingly.

Effective Communication. Effective communication is essential in remote work. As your team members come across different points of view, it is vital that you are able to express yourself clearly, and ensure that they understand your expectations from them. For example, if one of your team members has expressed frustration with some of the task at hand, be sure to clear it up immediately so that they do not continue to put pressure on themselves, putting them at risk of stress.

Effective Communication during Working Remotely. Although communication is crucial when working remotely, some people struggle with the idea of communicating openly and honestly, or even more importantly, communicating calmly and respectfully. It is imperative that you work with your team members during their times of stress to ensure that they are able to express their concerns and frustrations in a non-confrontational way. Similarly, it is important to ensure that they understand the benefits of working remotely; communicate these to them subtly so as not to cause offence.

Routine project management. Even though many remote workers like the flexibility that working remotely offers, routine work should still form a large part of their day. This could include any number of tasks including setting up time slots for meetings, ensuring that all team members have the same working hours and ensuring that they are meeting deadlines. If you are providing online project management software for your workforce, ensure that all of your team members know how to use it effectively. Also, ensure that you regularly check in on the progress of each team member, especially if they have been working on a project that is tied to another ongoing project.

Managing Remote Employees Using Video Conferencing. Some people might shy away from the idea of using video conferencing when managing their remote teams, fearing that it might be intrusive or frightening. However, many companies are now beginning to see how video conferencing can be a valuable tool in managing remote teams. In-person meetings can often lead to tense moments as people struggle to think of appropriate answers, but video conferencing allows for a clear and reassuring exchange of information, allowing team members to communicate in confidence.

Effective Communication is Key. One of the key elements of successfully managing remote workers is effective communication. Whether you are using teleconferencing or simply conducting regular office meetings, it is important that you establish clear lines of communication from the very start. Your team members need to know where you will be, when you will be there and what they can expect from you, otherwise communication can be fractured and ineffective. Remember that communication is a two-way street; make sure that you take the time to listen carefully to what your team members are saying and respond to their needs accordingly.