How to Link Charts in NinjaTrader 8

It is no secret that NinjaTrader 8 can be a tad time consuming to get used to. With that being said, you can save a lot of time by linking your charts. This is particularly useful if you are using a multi monitor setup. With one click of the mouse, you can switch from one instrument to another, or zoom in on a particular chart to see the details. For instance, the top of the chart window features two grey square buttons. If you click on the lower righthand corner of the screen, you will be presented with a list of your active instruments. You can also view your account balance at a glance. This is a streamlined way to handle your trades, and will help you make the most of your trading time.

Luckily, the platform offers an array of features to help you navigate the gamut. For example, you can easily set up an automated trade notification system (ATS) for your favorite trading styles. You can also set up a commission template to use with the Leeloo trading platform. However, if you are just starting out with the NT8, you might want to read up on the differences between the various trading platforms before you commit your capital. While you’re at it, you can also learn about a couple of the nifty things NT8 has in store for you. For instance, the platform supports ATAS, a technology that allows you to trade using your mobile phone. In addition, you can access a wealth of free tutorials.

You can also take advantage of the platform’s robust chart library to group your charts by type, market, or instrument. To do so, you need to open a chart of the desired instrument in question, and then click on the link button on the lower righthand corner of the window. You can then choose to link to a different chart or to the same chart with a new timeframe. This will ensure that you never have to navigate back and forth between multiple windows. Once you have your new set up in place, you can finally enjoy a smooth and efficient workflow.

You can also take a leaf out of the book of your favorite traders by implementing some simple yet effective measures to improve your overall trading experience. For instance, you can set up a custom color linking to ensure that you only change the colors of your charts when you want to. This should keep you from accidentally messing up your favorite settings, and you can even set up a custom alert system to let you know when certain events occur. Lastly, it is worth mentioning that you should always make sure you have a proper balance in your R|Trader Pro account. If you do not, you could be losing money on your trades. Keeping your account in tip top shape should be a top priority for all active traders.