How to Change Home Page on Brave Mobile

In addition to the usual browser settings, Brave also allows users to customize their homepage. You can choose to add a new website, a favorite site, or a widget-like page that will show you the top sites you visit most. Changing your home page in the mobile version of Brave is easy. This is especially true if you use the Brave app, which offers a full suite of customization options.

The Brave main menu can be found on the left side of the screen. From here, you can toggle on and off the various features. For instance, you can change the background image of the home page and disable the clock display. Another feature is the option to turn off Brave Stats, a feature that helps keep track of your browsing habits.

In order to customize your homepage, you can use the Brave browser’s main menu and click on the “Background” tab. You can then select a background image from your computer or from an online repository. After doing so, you can see a preview of the homepage. If you want to customize the color, you can do so by clicking on the corresponding drop-down list.

While the Brave browser offers many features, there is one that stands out. The home-button-like feature is also an important component to the browser. Clicking on the Home button reveals the newly configured homepage. However, if you do not want to use the new home page, you can remove it by unchecking the box.

Another useful feature is the ability to set a default new tab page. Changing the default new tab page is a good idea if you have a lot of favorite websites that you frequently visit. You may also wish to include a news feed in your new tab page to keep you up to date with the latest in your area. By enabling this feature, you can quickly access your favorites from the home screen.

The Brave browser has other notable features, like its privacy stats. It can help you identify the most popular websites that you visit and which ones are most likely to be visited by other people on your network. Furthermore, it allows you to set your own search engine for private tabs. Using this feature can be a lifesaver, as it gives you a leg up in the battle for privacy.

Other features in the Brave browser include a “smart” start-up page that displays useful information for the user. One of the coolest parts of this feature is that it can even show you a list of the most popular sites you visit in a particular category. Even better, this option is available on both desktop and mobile versions of the software.

Changing your home page is one of the easier feats to perform on a smartphone, as it requires only a couple of clicks. Aside from changing the background, you can also change the text and colors of your favorite websites.